Matthew - a handsome Texan, was found wondering near a busy road in Texas. An Angel stopped,to try to coax him into her car. He ran at first,then saw that help was here. The Angel wrapped his flea infested,shrunken body,in a blanket and headed to the car,as she lifted him up,she noticed his pads were sore and bleeding, this is when he laid his head on her shoulder and wimpered,.....
Hi everyone ,It's me, Matthew,..I am feeling a little better today,..I am still really hungry,.. and my skin, kinda hurts. Everyone here is very kind to me. They talk softly and pet me real nice,...
Posted by Susan West - Reeser on Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 11:13 PM |Permalink
I doubt anyone ever reads this or thinks about my sweet boy anymore but I was looking through some photos I took of him today. He was so beautiful and sweet. I still miss him everyday. It has been 4 years since his death but he lives on in my meomories & heart. He had a horrible life until we met but I know the year we spent together was wonderful and happy. I hope to see him again one day............but until then I will remember him running through the tall grass, pointing and being my sill baby boy...... sharon Matthew's, Mother
I doubt anyone ever reads this or thinks about my sweet boy anymore but I was looking through some photos I took of him today. He was so beautiful and sweet. I still miss him everyday. It has been 4 years since his death but he lives on in my meomories & heart. He had a horrible life until we met but I know the year we spent together was wonderful and happy. I hope to see him again one day............but until then I will remember him running through the tall grass, pointing and being my sill baby boy......
Matthew's, Mother
Posted by
hismom |
5:51 PM