Matthew - a handsome Texan, was found wondering near a busy road in Texas. An Angel stopped,to try to coax him into her car. He ran at first,then saw that help was here. The Angel wrapped his flea infested,shrunken body,in a blanket and headed to the car,as she lifted him up,she noticed his pads were sore and bleeding, this is when he laid his head on her shoulder and wimpered,.....
OH MY I can't believe it's Matthew ?? Please give him a KISS and HUG from Me and Maggie Mae!!! He is going to be beautiful, I told ya he would be !!! Just keep up the GOOD WORK, YOU have worked a miracle here, and WOW - he looks absolutely incredible !!! What a change in such a short time. All I can say is WOWWWW !!! Awesome, you are now a "Bird Dog Rescue Momma too!!!"
With Love & Hugs,
Sharman ;)
Posted by
GentleBlueRain |
12:51 PM