Break Time,....

I remember when I was little, I used to get those all the time,.... then as I got older, all the good things seemed to dissappear,...I felt like I was dying ,and getting closer to death as each day passed,...sometimes I even thought of ways to make it come sooner , because I hurt so bad,.. inside and out,...
Just When I thought my prayers had gone unheard, and I had given up, ... I found myself on a busy street,...
Was this the end,.....????
I heard that kind voice,......was it real?????
not sure, but whoever it was also had a can of something that smelled awfully good,....
my nose took over,..... I went for it, and then,....
I felt the tender touch,...... and a warm blanket,......
I was so happy,..... I cried,......
my empty heart was immediately full again, is my new life,..... with an Angel,......
Maybe this is Heaven???? ......But I see no bridge?????
Oh well doesn't matter,..Thank you everyone, for bringing me, "Matthew", home,.....!!!!
My only prayers now, are for all the other Dogs and Cats out there,..searching for thier Fur- ever homes,....
"Hang in There Guys"!!! We're trying!!!!
Love ,Matthew