Godspeed, My Dear Matthew,...
This last entry is the hardest post I have ever had to write, . I am stil in shock ,with the news of Matthew's untimely passing,..In speaking with a friend that also knows Sharon and Matthew,.. we both thought that Matthew and Sharon would have many years together,...one day we would see an old dog curled up by the fire,..
Matthew was near death when Sharon found him,... she had no intention of keeping him, thinking that once she got him stabilized she would send him into rescue,....
Matthew won her heart, as well the hearts of many others, in the short 8 months that we knew him.
I can only say that the amount of love that poured from that Setter Boy's heart,.. can only match the amount of tears that have fallen in his passing,...
Godspeed My Dear Matthew
you've done a beautiful job with this blog...thank you Susan.
-- Barb
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:28 PM
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Posted by
Denise |
8:10 AM
Though it was months ago that I learned about Matthews death, I was just thinking of him this weekend.. Took my shepherds and Beagle out for a run over to the pond and pasture. Something caught their eye and they were all off! I thought about Matthew and wondered if he was inviting them to play.
I cannot get through the blog. It is too much right now. There have been others, but for some reason, sweet Matthew holds a place that is still not healed and seeing the pictures and his happy, goofy face is just still too much!
I still remember mine and Matthew's first meeting. I was picking up a foster that Sharon was fostering for me. Abby and Matthew got along so well together! Playing and sleeping together, always running 90 to nothing! He was very concerned when I approached him, but Sharon softly spoke to him and reassured him that I was okay. Within no time, he happily greeted me and was bouncing around in his special way.
Yes, the amount of love that Matthew showed is being retuned to him in the form of tears! Tears from people who have never met him, but loved through the pictures and adventures that his mom shared.
God bless you Sharon!!! You're lucky gal. What a gift! 8 months with that special boy!
Posted by
Denise |
8:12 AM